Thursday, October 13, 2011

Busy Little Bees

So, it's been a while since I've blogged. My apologies to those of you who have been left with nothing to read/do while at know who you are and I'm not judging! Hahaha! I definitely intended on blogging sooner than later, but time slipped away from me.

Let's see, where to begin. YES, I know - last Thursday the furniture Gods smiled upon us and blessed us with our new couch! We were lucky to have only waited six weeks instead of the original eight we were told! And it was a looong six weeks at that. 

It had been so long, we forgot exactly the color of the couch or maybe we just thought the color we ordered was actually totally different than what had arrived. Either way - when we purchased the couch, we had an 86 year old sales lady (bless her heart) who argued that since the color of the fabric swatch was titled "steel" - that meant that it was the grey we were looking for. 

We took the swatch outside the store, we held it up to the light inside the store, we put it next to other colors, we stood close to it, we stood far away from it - we did everything we could to try to see the grey, but we swore it looked more on the side of green to us. 

Our little sales lady told us it only looked green because of the olive stitching used on the side of the fabric swatch - all of the swatches had the olive stitching. So, we folded the stitching back and repeated all of the outside, inside, close, and faraway tests we did the first go round. By the end of it - we thought we saw grey. Right?? Truth be told, it's just super difficult to know what a fabric swatch will end up looking like on the entire couch.

When the couch arrived, there was no denying it. Instead of a grey couch, we own a green one! Why, oh why is this house insisting that I like the color green??? It's not that I think green is ugly, it's just that green is not really my thing. But of course it seems that everything in our house is green.

Our kitchen cabinets are green.....

....and although it's hard to tell in this picture, the bathroom is painted green - and there's no changing the paint color - there are little tiles in the bathroom that are a lovely shade of green and they match the walls perfectly. 

Needless to say, that the green couch matches the house and I'm learning to love the color green. At this point I don't think I have a choice!  Here's a picture of our new couch. The animals are extremely happy to have a couch! (And no...we didn't get a new dog. The little white one is my mom's.) Now, we need to find a coffee table. We sold the one we had in our yard sale before we moved. The trunk is subbing in for now.

The Friday after the couch arrived, we had another special delivery! My dad came to visit and brought with him the makings of what would be our new shed. Pa (my dad's dad) builds them and when we bought the house, we knew we would want one of his sheds. My dad and Josh worked on this shed all weekend. It turned out AMAZING! Thank you Pa for the shed and thank you Dad for your hard work putting it together! It fits perfectly in our back yard!

Here's a picture of our shed. We'll paint it in a few months to match the little blue bungalow!

Even though the shed was completed Sunday afternoon, there was still  a lot of work to be done. We said bye to my dad and headed over to help with registration and celebrity check-in at a big charity event that the organization I work for benefits from.

I know Josh was tired, but he was acting like a kid on Christmas Eve. There was a bit of anticipation in his eyes. Every year George Rogers attends this event and this year, Josh was ready - he brought a mini Gamecock helmet for George to sign. There was word going around that George wasn't going to be able to make it this year, and I watched disappointment come over my sweet husband's face. (All together now- "aaawwwww") 

But when a black SUV pulled up late that evening - hope was restored! Even though George had spent all day signing a number of autographs and had more to go for this event, he was still SO very kind and took pictures with us and even signed Josh's mini helmet! We absolutely love George! He's such a nice guy! 

Here's a picture of us with George and Josh's autographed helmet.

And here I am the next day at the golf tournament for the same event. I sat next to George's trophy all morning. P.S. It's super heavy!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your take on events- I can just hear you saying it in my head. Too funny! I LOVE the house and can't wait to see it! But take your time- my house is just now completed and we have been here for over 6 years! I can just picture Josh and how excited he must have been to meet George- I imagine skipping being involved. Anyway, keep up the blog, and I have a food/recipe one in the works...
